1. What is a daguerrotype? What did the surface of a daguerrotype resemble? When were they prominent? What photographic process did the daguerrotype replace?
A: it was the first successful commercial photo process. It resembled a mirror. They were prominent in 1829. photo obscura.
2. What is an "albumen" print? What was the main "ingredient" of the albumen process? When did the albumen process die out?
A:It was the first commercial way of making a picture from a negative. egg whites. in the mid 19th century.
3. What is a "stereograph?" When were they popular?
A: it gave the viewer binocular vision and depth perception while looking at a photo? THey were popular around 1861 and since then.

4. What is a "carte de visite?" What were they used for?
A: they were a small photogram patented in 1854. They were used many in the Civil War, so that soldiers and family members could send photos back and forth.

5. Who were Matthew Brady and Alexander Gardner? They both are notable for what type of photography? When were they active? Post two noteworthy photographs for each photographer.
A: THey were civil war photogs, he did portrait photos for soldiers.